Thursday, June 9, 2016

useful advice

usual day at the office.
A (approaching the Team): "... hey people, can I ask you for some advice please..."
B (member of the Team) waving out: "ooh, take mine, I don't use it anyway!"
A (suspiciously): "...sounds trustworthy... "

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

perfect fit

best trend I've seen recently

what a deal

So in case you don't have much but still want to share it, feel free to send your euros to my SEK account.
Well, to be honest, I do think the exchange rate is not the best (at least my home bank provides better) and the fee seems way too high compared to the amount being sent, but other than that TW seems like a good deal or what?

Monday, May 9, 2016

Esmaspäeva hommik kontoris

Monday morning between co-workers.
A: "heyyyy, how was your weekend?"
B: "Sundays suck. The moment you wake up, you immediately know it. It's almost here. Tomorrow is Monday".
A: "you know, Mondays are actually totally fine. it's your life that sucks!"
B: "..."

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Targeted advertising, obviously

Download 1010! they said. It's fun they said.

And then this happened.

Ads in app - making money or shooting your own leg? Sure I can clean the house instead :)

Sunday, March 6, 2016

There's always something with the data

There is always something wrong with the data.

Yep. See that every day. Always the damn data.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Data is Beautiful

Kui igapäevatööks on igasuguste andmetega mängimine, siis igav ei hakka.

Kõige täpsem sektordiagramm, mida ma oma elus näinud olen:

See on ka üsna täpne:

Lisaks saame me teada, et :

No köögis ka eriti üldiselt ei saa eksida:

Siinkohal ka lõpeb loetelu, mille jaoks sektordiagramme kasutada kõlbab.
Nii on.